Annex 1 Initiative
The Chief Quality Officer Team commissioned the work of the Annex 1 Initiative to benchmark ways to implement the new Annex 1 requirements and expectations. The team met from July 2022 - October 2022, and generated a benchmarking report for open source access. The team continues to meet, exploring many facets of the Annex 1 document.
Meet the Team: The team members involved in the benchmarking work are provided below. These members are also externally engaged in other industry forums, but found this work to exclusively dive into the “how to” that is not being addressed elsewhere.
The report includes high level key takeaways, but if you are interested in joining this team for on-going deep dive discussions, let us know (intended for company employees, not consultants and service providers). The team meets for 1 hour, every other week (Tuesdays from 10:30am - 11:30am Eastern), and will continue meeting throughout the year!
Annex 1 Benchmark Report
Pete Berzins, Eli Lilly
Brent Conatser, Elanco
Lisa Davis, AstraZeneca
Ian Hudson, Thermo Fisher
Alfred Kutor, Elanco
Barbara Moser, CSL Behring
Annex 1 Digital Transformation of CCS
Description: Annex 1 revisions have been extensive, and companies are working to implement the requirements while interpretting new expectations. Access this recorded session to explore how to lead a true digital transformation as part of your Contamination Control Strategy.
—> And check out the AI Maturity Model offered by the AFDO/RAPS Healthcare Collaborative (free). This can support your successful journey towards digitalization! AI Maturity Model Tools
Title: True Digital Transformation of a Risk-Based Contamination Control Strategy on Annex 1
Speaker: Sheba Zaman, Novatek
Cost: Free!